Total Training - MS Excel 2010 Essential

Total Training - MS Excel 2010 Essential: "
Total Training - MS Excel 2010 Essential
Total Training - Microsoft Excel 2010 Essential | 1.01 GB
Genre: eLearning

This series is for anyone who wants to know Excel in a non-intimidating, soup-to-nuts manner. If you've never used Excel, this is your starting point. No prior experience is necessary. If you've used Excel but never had formal training, this course will fill in the gaps so it all makes sense and so you are efficient and accurate. If you've used previous versions of Excel (prior to Office 2007) then there are a lot of features and changes you need to be aware of to fully utilize this software. In this course we take you from start to finish including entering data, configuring workbooks, working with calculations, applying regular and conditional formatting, creating custom formats, using names, leveraging the power of tables and charts and outputting your work. These are the skills every Excel user needs to know no matter how new or how experienced you may be"


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