Total Training - MS PowerPoint 2010

Total Training - MS PowerPoint 2010: "
Total Training - MS PowerPoint 2010
Total Training - Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 | 1.41 GB
Genre: eLearning

Whether we knew it or not, almost all of us have seen a PowerPoint presentation in one format or another. It is pervasive from the classroom to the boardroom and even our living room. In this series you will discover not only legacy and new features offered in PowerPoint 2010 but also ensure you know how to include good design, utilize appropriate content and deliver polished, memorable but not overwhelming presentations. It's this combination of skills and techniques that differentiates mediocre presentations and those some would rather bury than have to watch from those that effectively communicate, regardless of the audience or purpose. This series will take you from start to finish covering presentation design, content creation, graphic and multimedia manipulation, animation and sharing, distribution and presentation options. If you've known PowerPoint in the past, there are a lot of new features in store! If you're new to PowerPoint, prepare yourself for a whole new way to share your thoughts, ideas and experiences using this phenomenal presentation tool!"


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